Reasons life insurance may be canceled or denied

Life insurance is crucial coverage if you have dependents. It ensures you can continue providing for them even after you’re gone. For residents of Tennessee, our team at Riskbusters Insurance is here to help ensure you have the life insurance coverage you need.

Reasons Life Insurance May Be Canceled

The most common reason for life insurance cancellation is non-payment of the premium. Given the vital nature of life insurance for your dependents, it’s essential to avoid this. With a whole life policy, you might be able to use your cash value to maintain the premiums during a difficult period. If you’re facing financial difficulties, contact your insurance company and try to negotiate a deal that allows you to keep your policy.

Another reason your life insurance policy may be canceled is if it’s discovered that you didn’t answer some of the application questions honestly. Any misinformation can result in immediate cancellation, so it’s crucial to answer honestly.

Reasons Life Insurance May Be Denied

The primary reason life insurance is denied is due to health concerns. Most insurance companies require a physical before issuing a life insurance policy. If you’re obese, have diabetes, or have high cholesterol, you may be denied life insurance. Many chronic illnesses, including heart disease, Parkinson’s disease, HIV/AIDS, or Alzheimer’s, can also result in denial. If your blood test shows that you’re an alcoholic, that may be enough for denial, and age can also be a factor in some cases.

Riskbusters Insurance in Tennessee helps customers decide on the type and amount of life insurance they need to provide for their loved ones.

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Insurance Options for Contractors and Builders

Tennessee law mandates minimum insurance requirements for businesses across all industries. However, contractors and construction companies often need additional coverage to ensure compensation in worst-case scenarios. Additional insurance policies can be purchased individually or as part of a policy bundle.

Builder’s Risk Insurance

Many clients require construction companies to carry builder’s risk insurance to bid on certain projects. This type of insurance covers building materials, supplies, and equipment on a building site. It may also cover additional expenses caused by a delay in completing a construction project.

Contractors Equipment Insurance

Contractors’ equipment insurance is designed to cover equipment ranging from bulldozers to cables. Coverage varies depending on your chosen policy, but typical forms of damage you can receive compensation for include theft, vandalism, breakdowns, accidents, fires, and floods.

Errors and Omissions Insurance

Errors and omissions insurance covers errors made during your work. These can include breach of contract, failure to complete a project on time, or oversights in your work.

Subcontractor Default Insurance

If you own a construction company that hires subcontractors, you might want to consider purchasing a subcontractor default insurance policy. It covers a range of incidents related to subcontractors failing to comply with a construction agreement.

How Can Riskbusters Insurance Protect Your Business?

Riskbusters Insurance has over twenty years of experience serving Tennessee business owners. We offer multiple commercial insurance policy options to meet the needs of construction companies of all sizes and types. Call us to learn more about your coverage options or get price quotes on one or more insurance policies.

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High Value Home Insurance – When Standard Coverage Isn’t Enough

High-value home insurance offers more extensive coverage terms than a standard home insurance policy. Discover how high-value home insurance can protect your most significant investment from weather-related damage, theft, and other risks.

Understanding High-Value Homes

Luxury, historical, and other expensive residences may qualify for high-value home insurance. Typically, the home’s rebuilding cost is a key factor in determining if a residence qualifies for high-value coverage.

This type of coverage is less restrictive than a standard policy. It covers new building materials, furnishings, and personal possessions.

High-Value Insurance Coverage

A standard home insurance policy has a cap amount, which specifies the maximum coverage it provides. A high-value policy offers additional coverage not included in a typical policy.

A high-value policy may also cover some situations that a standard home insurance policy does not. For instance, it may offer protection against damage caused by water backup.

A standard policy may not include this type of coverage, requiring the homeowner to purchase specific add-on coverage. High-value insurance is a comprehensive insurance product that offers more flexibility than a standard home insurance policy.

Insurance Perks

A high-value home insurance policy may offer perks not included in a standard policy. These perks may consist of free consultations to help protect a high-value home and other benefits that policy owners can take advantage of.

Contact an Agent in Tennessee

If you believe your home qualifies for high-value home insurance, contact one of our agents at Riskbusters Insurance. An agent will determine your eligibility based on the current value of your home.

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What Is a Whole Life Insurance Policy?

There are different types of life insurance policies, with whole life and term life being the most common types. A term life policy is one that is in effect for a set number of years and expires after that period. However, a whole life policy works very differently. Many factors make whole life policies so popular. If you’re interested in any type of life insurance, give us a call at Riskbusters Insurance in Tennessee to find out more and to get started.

Your Whole Life

The name of this type of insurance policy comes from the period that it stays in effect – your whole life. It never expires, and you can keep the policy as long as you want. This is one of the biggest reasons that these policies are so popular. Many people don’t want to get a term life policy that will eventually expire, making it necessary to apply for a new one. With a whole life policy, you never have to apply for a new one.

Cash Value

A whole life policy has another advantage that many people seek out this type of policy to get. That’s the cash value that builds up with a whole life policy. Over time, a cash amount builds up that the policyholder can borrow against. This can be an important way to access cash if it ever becomes necessary. This cash loan from the policy is paid off just like any other loan. The outstanding loan amount is subtracted from the death benefit until it’s paid back.

Get Whole Life Insurance in Tennessee

There are many benefits of having this type of life insurance. From the life of the policy to the cash value, you may be interested in getting this type of policy. To get started, call us at Riskbusters Insurance in Tennessee.

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Why Your Business Needs Worker’s Comp Insurance

As a business owner, it’s important to have several essential insurance policies that will protect your business. There are various types of commercial insurance that you likely need. One of these is worker’s compensation insurance, known as worker’s comp. This is a vital coverage type that will protect your business and your employees. It’s beneficial for everyone in the company and important for the business itself. To get your worker’s comp policy, call us at Riskbusters Insurance in Tennessee.

Protecting Your Business

If you have employees, there is always the possibility that they may have an accident and get injured at work. You don’t need to have dangerous machinery in the workplace in order for this to happen. Any employee could have a fall in the workplace and suffer from injuries. If this happened and you weren’t insured, the business would be liable for all the bills afterward. This could include the employee’s lost wages, medical bills, legal costs, and more.

Protecting Your Employees

It’s also important for your employees that you have this protection in place. Employees shouldn’t worry that there won’t be funds in case they have an accident. This could quickly dwindle your number of employees because they face this risk that would be financially devastating to them. When you have worker’s comp in place, the funds will be available in case of an accident or a work-related sickness. This keeps them protected and ready to work.

Securing Worker’s Comp Insurance

If you have employees, you need this insurance. Don’t wait to get it, or you may be on the hook for an enormous amount of costs after an accident. Call Riskbusters Insurance in Tennessee to get started with a policy for your business.

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Tips for getting your home ready for winter

As the days get longer and leaves start to turn and fall, thoughts inevitably turn to winter. With the chilly season just around the corner, we at Riskbusters Insurance in Tennessee ensure that our customers have the coverage they need to protect against winter weather hazards.

Prepare Your Gutters for Winter

Fall paints a picturesque scene with its palette of beautiful, warm hues. However, the leaves that provide these colors tend to fall off and gather in your gutters. As these fallen leaves accumulate, they tend to block your gutters, causing water to back up. This can lead to water getting underneath your roof shingles and into your home, damaging your ceilings and walls. Clearing your gutters can prevent these critical issues.

Maintain Your Furnace

Maintaining a clean furnace is not just about safety; it’s about efficiency. A well-tended furnace can save you money throughout winter by operating at peak efficiency.

Ensure Your Smoke Detectors are in Working Order

The risk of house fires may increase during winter when households tend to spend more time indoors. Ensuring your smoke detectors and their battery backups are functional can prove lifesaving.

Adjust Your Ceiling Fans for Winter

Ceiling fans pull cool air from the floor during warm weather. When winter hits, you want your fans to push warm air down from the ceiling. Since warm air rises and cold air descends, reversing the direction of your fans can help distribute heat more effectively.

Prepare for Snow and Ice

Ensure you’re prepared for snow and ice. Locate your snow shovel, buy a bag of salt, and get your snowblower serviced. Being proactive is the best way to prepare for the challenges of winter.

Contact us at Riskbusters Insurance in Tennessee for an appointment to discuss your home insurance and ensure you’re fully covered for the upcoming season.

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Infestations, Rotting, And Repairs: Are They Covered by Homeowner’s Insurance

Understanding Home Insurance Coverage in Tennessee

The weather in Tennessee can be harsh, posing significant challenges to houses in the area. As a homeowner, you must be aware of the risks your home may face from threats like fire, high winds, heavy snow, theft, or vandalism.

Additionally, your home can deteriorate due to age, regular wear and tear, and potential liability claims. At Riskbusters Insurance, we help protect your home from many of these perils while also shedding light on the aspects considered wear and tear or maintenance—which are usually not covered under a standard home insurance policy.

When Standard Home Insurance Might Not Apply

There are several instances when a standard home insurance plan may not cover the damages. Here are a few examples:

  • Infestations: Homes in Tennessee often encounter infestations from various pests and insects. Damage from these infestations typically isn’t covered under homeowners’ insurance, as preventing infestations is viewed as part of regular, preventable maintenance.
  • Rot: Siding or wood fencing damage due to rot generally falls within the maintenance category and should be addressed before it occurs. Even in a windstorm, if a fence is blown down, coverage may be contested if rotting is apparent.
  • Major Repairs: Questions arise about whether major repairs are covered under home insurance. They will likely not be covered if these repairs are necessary due to age, natural wear and tear, or lack of maintenance. For instance, issues with worn-out furnaces, aging air conditioning systems, and weathered roofs won’t be covered. Because insurance is designed to protect from sudden and unexpected losses due to covered events, wear and tear or inadequate maintenance usually isn’t covered.

Secure a Quote for Your Home Insurance Today

If you hold a property in Tennessee, we encourage you to get a home insurance review and price quote from Riskbusters Insurance. We are prepared to answer your queries and enhance your peace of mind, ensuring you’re protected from potential threats. Contact us today to secure your quote.

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Don’t Get Buried by End of Life Planning and Expenses

People commonly look forward to and focus on their future, romantic relationships, and milestones, among other optimistic aspects of life. On the other hand, things like end-of-life planning arrangements are often less thought about. Fortunately, the right agency and life insurance plans can alleviate concerns about end-of-life planning and the increasing costs of plots, caskets, memorial services, and other expenses. That’s why residents from Tennessee rely on the friendly and professional agents at Riskbusters Insurance for all their life insurance needs.

Life Insurance: For End-of-Life Planning Expenses and More

Life insurance serves many functions, from covering numerous costs associated with end-of-life planning to leaving a financial legacy for loved ones. Most notably, life insurance is the primary means people use to cover the costs of caskets, service expenses, and other end-of-life expenses. However, it also offers many other benefits, emphasizing the value of speaking with a trusted and experienced agent.

Life Insurance Solutions in Tennessee

If you are a Tennessee resident in need of life insurance or have any questions, our experienced and knowledgeable agents at Riskbusters Insurance can help. From assistance with retirement or emergencies to expenses like end-of-life planning and more, life insurance can significantly impact your life. Don’t let the concern of end-of-life planning and expenses weigh you down. Get the help you need to navigate your life insurance needs. Contact us to learn more and schedule an appointment with our team at Riskbusters Insurance today.

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Insurance Coverage for Commercial Operating Systems

Inspect commercial operating systems that aren’t covered by your existing commercial insurance policy. Determine whether adding these essential systems to your current insurance plan would be beneficial.

Operating Systems

Commercial operating systems are crucial to your company’s success. Ensuring these systems provides a smooth operation for you and your workforce.

  • Conveyor belts
  • Automated pickers and packers
  • Packaging Equipment
  • Automated cleaning devices
  • Automated sorters

The above list provides examples of operating systems commonly found in modern businesses. Though well-maintained by a business owner, these systems are subject to damage or theft. With insurance coverage, such essential operating systems can be repaired or replaced as necessary.


Prepare a list of commercial operating systems that are frequently used and walk through your business premises. Then, carry out an individual assessment of each operating system.

If you find any worn or damaged mechanical parts, schedule a service appointment. Once the systems have been well-maintained and are operational, prepare a list that features each system’s model number.

Coverage Types

Insurance can be purchased to protect you from liability claims. Liability insurance covers legal issues arising from accidents or damage caused by your operating systems. You can also get insurance covering theft, vandalism, and damage from weather events.

Obtaining comprehensive insurance coverage provides protection for a wide range of incidents that may necessitate system repair or replacement.

Contact Riskbusters Insurance

Contact a Riskbusters Insurance representative for advice about commercial insurance coverage. An agent serving Tennessee will arrange a consultation for you.

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When Should I Update My Homeowner’s Policy?

You may be tempted to forget about your homeowner’s policy, but there are situations when you will need to update your policy. At Riskbusters Insurance in Tennessee, we offer homeowner’s insurance. 

Changes to Your Household

If someone moves into or out of your home, you’ll need to update your homeowner’s policy. This includes adopting a child, giving birth, or having an elderly family member move in. If your teen heads off to college, you should also update your policy. 

Getting a Security System

You may qualify for a discount if you’ve recently installed a security system in your home. A security system reduces the risk to the insurance company because your home is less likely to be damaged or burglarized. 

Improving Your Home 

If you’ve renovated your home or added more square footage, you’ll need to contact your insurance company. When you make improvements to your home, it increases its value. It’s important to ensure that your home is properly valued and that you have enough coverage. 

Changes to Assets 

If you’ve recently bought an expensive asset, you will need to document this with the insurance company. You may need extra coverage to be adequately protected. If you’ve sold an asset, you must also update your policy. This includes jewelry, antiques, art, and other valuables. 

Employment Changes 

Your insurance company should also know if your employment situation changes. This is particularly important if you begin a home-based business. Most policies offer very limited protection for business equipment. However, you can add to your policy to ensure your equipment is adequately insured. 

Homeowner’s Insurance with Riskbusters Insurance

If you need homeowner’s insurance in Tennessee, contact us at Riskbusters Insurance. Our friendly agents will discuss your needs and help you choose the best policy for your situation.

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